Sunday, January 31, 2010

One year on: remembering, and a new spirit in Steels Creek!

This will be the last entry on our Spirit of Steels Creek blog. Thank you to everyone who has used it to keep up to date with where we've been at, been so kindly interested, and kept in contact via it.

The one year anniversary - 7th February - of the fires is coming up next weekend.

The past nearly 12 months are difficult to describe: going from a daily to do list and plans for the years ahead to being not on top of anything at all, and unsure about any next steps. It's been a belittling, sobering experience which has made us stop in our tracks. It's forced us to really, really stop still and absolutely depend on people around us to help us back on our feet, and harness energy (and humour!) to face the trials and tribulations – and opportunities - with moving forward again.

The generosity we have received has been truly amazing: entirely moving, even overwhelming… and sometimes, strangely, a little hard to take. But the wonderful thing about it all is that it is so sincere and very thoughtful and deeply caring. As a result, we think we're sane, not angry or upset, and we're feeling quite equipped for the future.

Coming up to the New Year we were quite contemplative. Particularly thinking of those who’d lost loved ones in the fires and would have likely struggled through the Christmas period and the hot windy weather at the time, and those who don’t have people around who continue to care and encourage them. We thought about all that we’ve learned this year: from destruction, fear, anxiety, frustration, through to appreciating relative simplicity, quiet spaces, and prophetic resilience and regrowth of nature. On New Year’s Eve, we enjoyed a low-key small gathering with local friends in Steels Creek. We watched the impressive storm roll in across the ranges, the lightning bolts, and the reappearing of the blue moon. We chose to stand out in the downpour and experience cleansing of 2009 and being nourished for a new 2010!

The pending arrival of “Bernie Ash” [relax, yes, a code name] will certainly herald a new 2010 for us. Due this coming week; probably just a couple of days before the 7th February anniversary. We're optimistically wondering if we might be able to make it to the Steels Creek Community gathering on Sunday still!

Thank you to all of you who have supported and helped us in so many ways. We wouldn't have made it to this stage without you.

Very best wishes for a successful 2010; in whatever form success for you may take. So much can happen in a year, we hope it is a great one for each of you.

From JB and E-M x x

1 comment:

  1. Bless you kids! Been thinking of you both (er all) and hoping that 2010 is a good year for you guys.


    (PS I've got a new blog for me and Lils so drop me a line if you want to know more.)
