Sunday, August 16, 2009

Thank you to our dear hard working bees!

Pruning and pulling out is complete for 2009. Fifty six fabulous friends and family arrived on Saturday morning from near and far to come and help.

So much effort was made to travel, arrange babysitters, pack secateurs, gloves, and the occasional puppy dog.

It was difficult for some to see how much had changed since their last visit, but everyone put on their bravest faces and did such a marvellous job. It really was a wonderful effort.

We’re very grateful and appreciative for all the help and ongoing support that everyone gives us. It’s truly amazing.

Thank you very much.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

After effects of all hands to the vine

What a wonderful experience to have been able to lend a hand and some blood, sweat and even some tears to help rejuvenate (hopefully) the vines...great day out in the 4 seasons. Here's to the revival of the Pinot and new life into 916. Certainly have a whole new appreciation for wine and what goes into the makings of my consumption! 

I only took a few snaps after we'd worked our magic -

If others took any pictures please share here too.

Take care,