We have a piano. Am smiling as I type. It is a Schwecten upright and we believe was manufactured in Berlin around the same time as the Feurich. Bonnie Ryan's workmate Richard asked her if she knew anyone who would be interested in a piano and she said yes :-) So pleased. Bonnie and Bruce have agreed to look after it at their place until we're ready to move it somewhere more permanent. Thanks again B&B. When picking up the piano, I met Richard's sister Elizabeth who very kindly gave me loads of classical sheet music as well. Several pieces the same as I had/have played (including Beethoven whose head, as it turns out, wasn't really marble...)
Am so happy and grateful about the piano: many thanks Richard and Elizabeth - and their late parents - who made it possible. We'll be sure to take great care of Schwecten and the sheet music.
RIP in the future garden, will Feurich eventually!
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